St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学





成员, 妊娠研究SBU联盟
  • 建造099 c. 解决冲突工作坊(2002-05)
  • 建造于210年. 人类发展 & 学习 
  • 432年建造. 独立研究:研究(2002-07)
  • 建造于500年. 研究方法(2001-05)
  • Educ 510/ ce511. 高级人类成长 & 发展 
  • 101年心理学. 心理学概论 
  • 225年心理学. 成人发展心理学 & 老化  
  • 305年心理学. Research in 发展心理学 (Laboratory)  
  • 312年心理学. 发展心理学 
  • 心理学420. 进化心理学(2000)
  • 心理学420便士. 动机理论(2001)
  • 483年心理学. Independent Study: 发展al Psych (2000-07)
  • 500年心理学. 先进的研究方法(2000)
  • Ph.D. Educational Psychology and Statistics,  SUNY Albany
  • M.S.教育心理学 & 统计学,纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校
  • B.A., Psychology and Philosophy (double major), 纽约州立大学 at 到教室
Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in Educational Research


  • 布朗., Views of Primary Stakeholders Concerning The Tech Prep Project. 爱德华F. 凯利评价会议,1997年

  • 布朗.新人,L.纽曼,D。., The Costs of Teacher 包容 in Participatory Evaluation.Presented the American Evaluation Association, San Diego, CA, 1997
  • 布朗., Views of Primary Stakeholders: Differences in Overall Perceptions. Presented at the American Evaluation Association, San Diego CA, 1997
  • 布罗斯基,年代.纽曼,D。.布朗,A.新人,L., A Year Long Study of Tech Prep in 纽约 State.  Presented at the National Tech Prep Conference, Nashville TN, 1997
  • 布罗斯基,年代.纽曼,D。.布朗,A.新人,L., Results of Evaluation Study of the First Five Years of Tech-Prep in 纽约 State.  Presented at the Annual State Tech Prep Conference, Saratoga NY, 1997
  • 布朗.B., Use of Verbal Protocol Methodology in Evaluating Software Usability.  在第12届th 年度爱德华F. Kelly Conference; University at Ottawa, Ottawa, 安大略. 1998
  • 布朗.J., Empowerment Through Advocacy: An Examination of the Albany Urban Youth Leadership Institute.  Presented at the Association for Moral Education Conference; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. 1998年11月
  • 布朗.范斯莱克,M., Teaching 解决冲突: The Role of Cognitive and Moral 发展. 在第22届nd annual Eastern Educational Research Association Conference; Hilton Head, South Carolina.  1999年2月24日至27日
  • 布朗.J., Conceptualizations of Multicultural Education.  Presented  at the 8th Annual Diversity Conference; University at Albany.  1999年3月11日至12日
  • 坎贝尔,K.布朗,A., Evaluation of the Institute for Urban Youth Leadership 发展.  在第13届th 年度爱德华F. Kelly Conference; Queens University, Kingston, 安大略. 1999
  • 布朗., 解决冲突.  西格玛驰, 纽约州立大学, 弗莱多尼亚分校, 到教室, 纽约, 1999
  • 布朗.巴尔特鲁斯,J., Attitudes Toward Conflict: Correlates and 方向 for School Intervention Programs.  Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, 1999
  • 布朗.认知能力与信念形成: Their Role in Designing 解决冲突 Interventions.  Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C., 2000
  • 布朗.教条主义相关: 工作记忆.  Presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington D.C., 2001.
  • 布朗., Perceived Female Attractiveness and the Eye Brow Flick. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, 多伦多, 安大略, 加拿大, 2001
  • 布朗., 工作记忆的关系, Authoritarianism and 教条主义 to 解决冲突 Styles. 在1982年nd annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Denver, Colorado, 2002
  • 他,维.布朗,A., & 罗德里格斯,M., Remembering the Faces of Potential Cheaters and Cooperators in Social Contract Situations. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior & 社会进化. 罗格斯大学,新泽西州,2002年
  • 布朗., 冲突知觉的关系语言工作记忆和开放记忆. 封闭的信仰体系. Presented at the 14th American Psychological Society Annual Convention. 新奥尔良,2002年
  • 布朗., From Peacocks to Primates: Experiments in Biological Attractiveness. 在教师论坛,St. Bonaventure大学,2003年
  • 布朗., 亲缘选择与吸引力. 在第16届th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, 2004
  • 他,维.布朗,A.道,B.昆兹,J.罗德里格斯,M.麦卡洛克,K. (2004). Cheaters are Looked at Longer and Remembered Better than Cooperators in Social Exchange Situations. 进化心理学2:108-120
  • 布朗., Spatial Memory in the Western Lowland Gorilla. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society Convention, Los Angles, 2005
  • 布朗. & 齐默,J. 调整你的讲座. 在周五论坛上,St. Bonaventure, NY, 2005
  • 布朗., Attractiveness Influences Indiscretion Decisions: Implications for Jealousy. 在第18届th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention, 纽约, 2006
  • 布朗., (2006). A Cognitive Approach to 教条主义: An Investigation into the Relationship of Verbal 工作记忆 and 教条主义. 人格研究杂志,41. 946-952
  • 布朗.斯旺森,P.他,维., 跨文化吸引力. New England Psychological Association, Springfield, MA, 2008.
  • 布朗.他,维.,按钮,A., 工作记忆's Relationship With Social Contract Status,  APS Annual Convention in San Francisco, CA, 2009
  • 布朗.凯勒,C. J., & Prudente,. E. (2010). Conflict Attitudes Relationship to Multiple Personality Factors: Cognitive and Theoretical Underpinnings. 解决冲突 & 谈判学报,2010(1):23-30
  • 布朗.M., & Prudente,.E. (2012). 教条主义与学习. 在N.M. 闭目(Ed.),《全球网赌十大网站》(打印). 柏林:施普林格. {学习科学百科全书, Norbert M. 闭目(Ed.), ISBN: 978-1-4419-1427-9, 5000 pages, 7 volumes}
  • 布朗.M., & Prudente,.E. (2012). 教条主义. 在N.M. 闭目(Ed.), 学习科学百科全书(打印). 柏林:施普林格. {学习科学百科全书, Norbert M. 闭目(Ed.), ISBN: 978-1-4419-1427-9, 5000 pages, 7 volumes}
  • 布朗.他,维.,  Memory for Cheaters and Cooperators in Social Contract Contexts. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. 2010年洛杉矶

The constructivistic approach to teaching and learning is based on a combination of a subset of research within cognitive psychology and a subset of research within social psychology, just as behavior modification techniques are based on operant conditioning theory within behavioral psychology.

The basic premise is that an individual learner must actively build knowledge and skills (e.g., 布鲁纳, 1990) and that information exists within these built constructs rather than in the external environment. [See Ullman (1980) versus Gibson (1979) for an overview of this controversy within the cognitive perspective.]

然而, all advocates of constructivism agree that it is the individual's processing of stimuli from the environment and the resulting cognitive structures, 产生适应性行为, 而不是刺激物本身(哈纳德), 1982). 
