St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

职业生涯 & 实习

John Butler, Class of 2017, at the graduation ceremony
John Butler, Class of 2017, put "QED" on his graduation cap. The letters stand for the Latin phrase "Quod Erat Demonstrandum," meaning "which was to be demonstrated." The acronym is a traditional way to conclude a mathematical proof, and a wonderful way to conclude a B.S. 在数学方面.


Why is a degree 在数学方面 so valuable and versatile?

  • 数学 has the power to reveal and quantify patterns in every human discipline.
  • The world of the 21st century is a world suffused with numerical information.
  • The deep study of mathematics endows one with the ability to reason carefully, 精确地交流, 注重细节.

出于这些原因, the array of 职业生涯s that one can enter with a degree 在数学方面 is enormous and varied. 这里有一些 of the paths open to those with a degree 在数学方面.

  • 保险精算学
  • Applied mathematics (engineering, modeling, simulation, mathematical physics)
  • Art (sculpting, painting, music, fashion design)
  • 工商管理
  • 高校教学
  • 计算机科学
  • 密码学
  • Editing (mathematical books and articles)
  • Finance (financial analysis, financial planning, economics)
  • 法律
  • Mathematical exposition (popular-press books and articles, educational television)
  • 医学研究
  • 医学(医学预科)
  • 运筹学
  • 质量控制
  • 辅助教学
  • 统计数据

Most of these 职业生涯s involve the frequent use of mathematics. 一些, 像法律, 数学内容很少, but require the skills that one acquires by obtaining a degree 在数学方面. 这些技能是逻辑思维, 语言的精确性, 注重细节, 毅力是无价的 任何 职业生涯. As one of the mottos of the National Council of Teachers of 数学 says, If you can do math, you can do 任何thing.

For two of the 职业生涯s listed above, St. Bonaventure offers additional educational preparation. Students interested in business administration may obtain an MBA at SBU by remaining for a fifth year. 看到 工商管理硕士 详细信息页面. Students desiring certification in secondary teaching may obtain a master's degree in secondary education at SBU. 看到 MSEd青少年教育 详细信息页面.

If you love math but are unsure what you'd do with a math degree...

你并不孤单! With so 许多 职业生涯 paths available to you, it can be difficult to choose one. To help you make an informed decision, you have 许多 可供你使用的资源. 这里有一些...

资源 for mathematical 职业生涯s

实习, REUs, and other summer programs

Would you like real-world experience while an undergraduate? Certain agencies and institutions offer 研究 Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) or other summer programs in which undergraduate students may get a taste of graduate school or professional life. Programs are offered for mathematics and a wide range of other disciplines.

美国国家科学基金会, 自动对盘及成交系统, MAA, 美国国家航空航天局, and NSA links provided below offer expansive listings of summer mathematics programs.

St. Bonaventure can guide you to a program that fits your interests and goals. For assistance with mathematics programs, see Dr. 莫林·考克斯 or Dr. 克里斯。希尔. For additional resources concerning experiential education, visit the SBU Career and Professional Readiness Center (CPRC).