St. 西班牙阿维拉,中世纪的城墙环绕着这座城市. The students were part of a learning, living and travel experience in Spain.

St. Bonaventure University

World Languages and Cultural Studies

外语能力是受过通识教育的人的标志之一. The Department of World Languages and Cultural Studies offers:

Why choose a modern language?

学习第二种或第三种语言使个人能够以自己的方式与外国人民交流,并获得第一手资料, 通过进入他们的表达和思想世界,获得外国文化的真实知识.

学习另一种语言不仅为学生打开了一种外国文化的大门,而且使他们熟悉了一套不熟悉的语言习惯和形式, 它也提供了一种对比,可以感知和更好地理解他们自己的文化和语言习俗.

我们生活在这样一个时代,与外国的有效互动不仅对经济繁荣至关重要, but also for mutual survival. 因此, 学生获得成功地与具有不同文化遗产的国家打交道所必需的技能和知识是非常重要的.


在圣. Bonaventure, all graduates of the schools of 艺术 & 科学、传播和教育必须满足外语要求.


St. 博纳文蒂尔大学的教授们帮助伊恩·罗杰斯找到了他的学术领域:西班牙语言和文学.

Get fundamental language skills and much more

现代语言专业的学生和非现代语言专业的学生都要学习语言的基本技能:口语, listening comprehension, reading and writing in humanistic oriented courses. There is special emphasis on everyday culture of the foreign country as well.

除了, Spanish majors take advanced courses in conversation and composition, literature and full-semester courses in culture and civilization. 如果他们的语言背景允许,非专业学生也可以自由选修更高级的课程.

此外, 该部门与大学的职业和专业准备中心一起为学生提供就业机会方面的咨询, works with the School of Education to prepare teachers of foreign languages, and has an effective placement program for students wishing to study abroad.

Our computer-assisted instruction programs complement in-class study.

Study abroad opportunities

Santiago de Compostela Galicia Spain - 2019
学生全球网赌十大网站 Santiago de Compostela in Galicia while on a five-week Spanish immersion program in Salamanca, Spain, in 2019.

我们强烈鼓励世界语言专业的学生到海外学习一学期或一年. St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学提供非英语环境的学习机会:

  • A program of study in Spanish language, 塞维利亚国际学院(International Institute in Seville)和塞维利亚大学(University of Seville)的文科和商科课程可供选择.
  • A similar program in Italy is also available to qualified students. Program locations are Rome, Florence and Venice. 
  • In France three locations, 阿维尼翁, Toulon and Aix-en-Provence, offer students the choice of language immersion, business courses or a liberal arts curriculum.
  • One short-term study abroad program is offered in Salamanca, Spain.

These programs are offered to non-majors as well. 了解更多有关 留学项目.

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