St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


The 公共卫生理学学士学位 prepares students to immediately enter and find success in the public health environment (社区卫生, 健康教育, health and safety administration) or to pursue graduate studies in public health, 公共政策, 运行状况管理和相关字段.

作为公共卫生专业的学生, 你将探索公共卫生的历史和原则, 社区卫生, 公共卫生领导, 健康促进, 市场营销, 多元文化的人群, 卫生信息学和卫生政策, 所有这些都在严格的课程中进行.

All 公共卫生 majors complete a 150-hour internship with a supervisor who is a public health professional. This provides you with practical learning experiences to complement your studies and prepares you for a smooth transition to employment or advanced studies.

Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree upon completion of this undergraduate program may wish to consider St. 博纳旺蒂尔的 公共卫生硕士 该计划有一个“早期保证”条款. This enables qualified high school seniors who major in a Bachelor of Science program to have a reserved seat awaiting them in our 公共卫生硕士 program upon satisfactory completion of their undergraduate studies. 要了解更多关于公共卫生项目的早期保障, 点击这里


Two new concentrations have created new career pathways for students majoring in 公共卫生 at SBU.

    1. 健康教育专员
    健康教育专家专业是一个25学分的课程, 毕业后, allows graduates with a degree in 公共卫生 to sit for the 健康教育专员 Practice Analysis credentialing exam to become a certified 健康教育 specialist (CHES). 

    The PH/CHES bachelor’s degree can be completed in three years or less with some summer and winter session coursework. Health education specialists develop research-based programs to teach people about conditions affecting well-being, 预防疾病, 以及如何改变健康行为来延长寿命.

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 健康教育 specialist jobs will grow by 7% by 2032, 比所有职业的平均水平都要快. 2022年,拥有学士学位的HES的平均工资为6万美元.

    2. 3+2职业治疗
    The 3+2职业治疗 concentration in 公共卫生 supplies the prerequisite courses necessary to enter St. 博纳旺蒂尔的硕士学位课程 职业治疗. Students will graduate in five years with a bachelor’s degree in 公共卫生 and a master’s degree in OT.

    Interested 公共卫生 majors can complete both concentrations concurrently within a 4-year timeline without the need to complete summer or winter coursework. Students who prefer not to accelerate their 公共卫生 bachelor’s degree by taking summer or winter session courses can still take the OT concentration in 公共卫生, 使之成为4+2节目. 

    The median salary in 2022 for an occupational therapist with a master’s degree was $93,180, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据.


The public health field relies heavily upon its practitioners and professionals to exercise sound judgment and reasoning, 这与全球网赌十大网站的天主教方济会遗产.

We address questions of ethics from a health perspective as part of our commitment to developing knowledgeable, 熟练的, 有同情心,有道德,重视个人尊严的人, 社会包容, 为他人服务.

公共卫生领域正在蓬勃发展,不断需要新的专业人员. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of public health service managers to grow by 18 percent over the next several years, and an 11 percent growth rate for 健康教育工作者 and 社区卫生 workers. 对本科水平的卫生专业人员的需求特别高, 教育咨询委员会指出.

Public health offers a variety of career positions, depending on your interests and skills. 需要社区卫生工作者, 备灾协调员, 环境卫生专家, 健康教育工作者, 健康促进专家, 以及公共卫生项目协调员.

More than 12 percent of Americans live below the poverty level and more than 8 percent of them have no health insurance, 支持对专业人员稳定需求的统计数据. As a public health major you will be prepared to address these and other challenges facing the public health industry.



The major in 公共卫生 prepares students to succeed in a public health environment or to pursue graduate studies in related fields.



对于非专业学生, the 公共卫生 minor provides students with insight into the broad range of public health issues in the world today and their influences on daily life.


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