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卢克·布朗,马克·詹尼尼,劳里·克鲁帕,詹姆斯·沃尔什被任命为圣. Bonaventure Board of Trustees

Sep 17, 2019

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学宣布任命四名新成员 Board of Trustees.

Luke H. Brown, of McLean, Virginia, Mark R. Gianniny of Rochester, New York, Laurie R. Krupa of Oradell, New Jersey, and James T. 来自纽约州玛丽埃塔的沃尔什将在董事会任职三年.

Luke H. Brown, a 1989 alumnus of St. Bonaventure, 是联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)存款人和消费者保护部门负责监管政策的副主任. 在这一职位上,布朗领导FDIC努力发展和实施 健全的合规政策,以帮助确保FDIC监管的机构遵守联邦消费者保护法律法规. 

Before joining the FDIC in 2008, 布朗曾担任房利美监管报告主管, 他在哪里管理有关遵守安全和健全以及负担得起的住房任务要求的活动. He previously worked at the U.S. Department 住房和城市发展部的执行律师, addressing serious program violations, and as special assistant to the deputy general counsel. Brown在金融服务领域拥有超过25年的领导和专业经验 行业重点关注银行监管、监管合规、政策和政府事务.

Brown graduated from St. Bonaventure,拥有社会科学和哲学学士学位. He received his J.D. 1992年获乔治华盛顿大学法学院学位.

As an undergraduate student, 布朗在大四时被选为学生会主席, vice president in his junior year, and sophomore class president. He graduated from SBU’s ROTC program in 1988. Brown’s sister, Taacha Brown-Drummond, ’98, was a member of SBU’s women’s basketball team.

布朗来自布法罗地区,在那里他还有家人. He and his wife, Emily, have three children.

Mark R. Gianniny, president and CEO of Linden Oaks Management Company, 是纽约西部首屈一指的房地产开发商之一. 他的公司在美国东北部拥有住宅、办公和医疗设施.

With a degree in business from Alfred University, 詹尼尼在20世纪70年代末开始开发商业房地产,现在在开发房地产方面拥有40多年的经验和关系.

他目前担任the Friendly Home的董事会成员, a nursing home and rehabilitation facility in Rochester. Gianniny是HUGS基金会的董事会成员, an international medical relief foundation that provides 为全世界患有面部畸形的儿童提供免费医疗服务. He is a past board member of the Rochester YMCA, 罗切斯特公共广播电台艺术拍卖的前主席, and a past member of the Board of Stewards of the Country Club of Rochester.

詹尼尼和他的妻子辛迪住在罗切斯特,有四个孩子和五个孙子孙女. 他喜欢打高尔夫球、园艺、水肺潜水,夏天在乔治湖的家庭别墅里度过.

The couple became involved with St. Bonaventure when their youngest son, Danny, ’21, enrolled as a student and a member of the men’s golf team.

Laurie R. Krupa is 他是美国银行中大西洋地区商业银行业务主管. 她领导的客户关系管理团队遍布新泽西州中部/南部, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia, providing 为收入在500万美元到5000万美元之间的中小型公司提供各种财务解决方案和建议.

Prior to this role, Krupa served on an executive team, 从战略上为客户简化和改进银行, employees and shareholders. 她与零售银行业务主管的合作使客户和员工都得到了显著改善 经验以及整个美国银行的流程效率.

Previously, Krupa led Global Wealth & 投资管理(GWIM)银行业务,并担任GWIM的财富管理银行业务主管. Prior to the merger with Merrill Lynch, 克鲁帕曾担任美国银行的东北部门主管 Premier Banking & Investments division. 她还在企业和商业银行部门担任过多个领导职务. 她于2004年通过收购FleetBoston Financial加入美国银行, with 22 years of experience in 在Fleet和摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的传统机构担任职务.

从2006年到2011年,Krupa是美国银行全球多元化和包容性委员会的成员,并继续积极参与员工资源小组和指导活动, 注重妇女和青年专业人员的需要和发展.

A 1982 graduate of St. Bonaventure, Krupa在其商学院咨询委员会任职. She and her daughter live in Oradell, New Jersey.

James T. Walsh is a government affairs counselor for the law firm, K&L Gates LLP.

Walsh is a graduate of St. Bonaventure, Class of 1970. After graduation, 1970年至1972年,沃尔什在和平队志愿担任尼泊尔农业推广员. Upon his return to the U.S., he worked in telecommunications, employed by NYNEX (now Verizon) for 15 years before entering politics.

沃尔什曾担任锡拉丘兹公共委员会成员,并于1985年当选为委员会主席. In 1988, he ran and was elected to the U.S. 在2009年退休之前,他一直是美国众议院议员,并代表纽约中部的第25区.

During his tenure in Congress, 沃尔什是共和党副党鞭,也是众议院拨款委员会的成员. He was chair of four House Appropriations Subcommittees: District of Columbia; Legislative Branch; VA, HUD and Independent Agencies (NASA, EPA, FEMA, NSF, Selective Service); and Military Quality of Life (included jurisdiction for Military Base Construction, the Defense Health Program, and Housing Accounts) and Veterans Affairs. He also served as ranking Republican member 劳工、卫生及公众服务拨款小组委员会主席.

沃尔什把他收藏了30年的官方和政治文件捐赠给了圣. Bonaventure. He received an honorary degree from his alma mater in 2011.

Walsh also serves on the boards of the U.S. Soccer Foundation and the Washington Ireland Program.


The university’s William F. 沃尔什科学中心于2008年落成,以纪念沃尔什的父亲威廉. 沃尔什是SBU的34届学生,于2011年去世.


About the University: The nation’s first Franciscan university, St. 博纳文蒂尔大学是一个致力于在课堂内外改变学生生活的社区, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service and citizenship. In 2019, St. Bonaventure被美国大学评为纽约地区大学价值第一名,北部地区大学价值第二名.S. News and World Report.