St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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梅根·霍尔, 杰克·威尔 named Ideal Bonaventure Students for 2022


梅根·霍尔和杰克·斯蒂格梅根·霍尔 of Buffalo and John “Jack” Steger of Webster have been named the Ideal Bonaventure Students for the Class of 2022.

理想的博纳文蒂学生体现了全球网赌十大网站和圣. Francis through their demonstrated commitment to community service and academic excellence. They are selected by a committee that considers nominations from the campus community.

霍尔毕业后将获得全球网赌十大网站和市场营销学位, while Steger will earn degrees in marketing and management with a minor in sports management.

摩根维尔的马欣德鲁将军, 新泽西, and Zayba Chauhdry of Olean were selected as honorable mention Ideal Bonaventure Students. Mahindroo is a biology major with a minor in business administration. Chaudry is a history major with minors in biology and political science.

所有四名学生都于周日毕业于全球网赌十大网站的162nd 一年一度的毕业典礼在赖利中心体育馆举行.

This year’s Hellinger Award winner as the top student in the Jandoli School of Communication, 梅根·霍尔 has been deeply involved in both academic and extracurricular activities since her freshman year.

从梅根踏进校园的那一刻起, 她为同龄人树立了标准,亚伦·金贝尔说, 詹多里传播学院院长. “Yet she’s also generous with her time and talents and has taken on every opportunity and challenge with a thoughtful and compassionate spirit that represents perfectly what St. 博纳旺蒂尔就是这样.”

霍尔是《全球网赌十大网站》的记者兼编辑, TAPinto Greater Olean的记者, a copywriter and board member of the school’s American Advertising Federation chapter, 全球网赌十大网站学导师, 也是PolitiFact的撰稿人, a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials. She also had a TAPinto story picked up by the New York Times education newsletter.

Hall’s talent and impressive résumé earned her a summer 2021 fellowship at Arizona State in the Carnegie-Knight News21 program. She was also a digital content intern and producer with SiriusXM and Pandora radio in 2020.

Hall was also heavily involved in campus organizations and committees.

She was a member of Student Government Association all four years, rising to president of the executive board by her senior year. 她在SGA的角色, Hall helped establish a sensory room for students’ mental health, 与该大学合作制定COVID-19政策, chaired a constitutional review with a focus on diversity and equity policies, and helped coordinate the transportation of students to the NIT tournament in March 2022.

“梅根是我在校园里最喜欢的人之一,大二学生达斯廷·格林在提名霍尔时说. “Despite being the student body president and one of the top J-school students, Meghan took me under her wing to mentor me as a member of SGA and a student.”

霍尔担任市场营销的学生代表 & Enrollment and Student Affairs committees of the Board of Trustees, and the Presidential 搜索 Committee that led to the hiring of Dr. 杰夫·金格里奇三月份的报道.

Hall won the General Excellence Award in the Communication Curriculum for the highest GPA in her four years and the Kappa Tau Alpha Top Scholar Award for the highest class ranking for graduating KTA students. She also studied abroad at Oxford in summer 2019 and received the Hartwick Scholarship for the program that year.

Hall has already accepted a job as an editorial assistant and researcher at Boston-based Innovation Leader.

杰克·威尔 didn’t just dip his toe into the water when he came to Bonaventure four years ago. 他一头扎进池子里,再也没有离开.

从杰克来学校的第一天起, 他迷人的个性变得众所周知,爱丽丝·米勒说, SBU方济会社会关怀中心(FCSC)主任. His can-do attitude and willingness to tackle the most challenging of tasks is inspiring. He lives our Franciscan values in an everyday way while at the same time bringing joy to our community.”

Steger held concurrent internships with 体育运动 and Marketing & 过去两年的通讯记录, while also working as a development associate in the FCSC helping to implement a strategic plan for the long-term viability of the center.

He was the men’s lacrosse team manager his first two years and director of special projects for the men’s and women’s lacrosse programs as a junior. His efforts earned him the Brian Moretti Service Award for 体育运动 in 2021.

An SGA senator and teaching assistant in the 商学院 for the last three years, Steger还在许多大学委员会任职, 包括留用委员会, 新冠肺炎学术应急委员会, 教务院营销 & 招生委员会和学术诚信委员会.

“Jack was never my student and yet I know him as well as any senior,” said Dr. Christine Uhl,数学助理教授. “Sometimes I wonder how he’s able to fit in all of the things he does. When we talk, his love and respect for this school always comes through. 从前的邦妮, Always a Bonnie’ might be more true for Jack than any other student I’ve met at Bonaventure.”

Steger was honored twice as a junior at the student awards ceremony — with the Military Aligned Selfless Student Service Award and as the first Dr. 丹尼斯·德佩罗年度学生领袖. He’s also a member of the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society and SBU’s Aquinas Honor Society.

Steger从大一开始每年夏天都有实习机会, 劳埃德特许经营和主要活动娱乐(2019年), SBU活动和会议(2020)和铟公司. 在尤蒂卡(2021年), where’s he worked part time as a corporate communications assistant since last August.

Steger has already started taking Master’s in Business 政府 courses at SBU and is on track to graduate with his MBA in 2023.


大学简介: 美国第一所方济各会大学St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 is a community committed to transforming the lives of our students inside and outside the classroom, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service and citizenship. St. Bonaventure was named the #5 regional university value in the North in U.S. 《全球网赌十大网站与世界报道》的2022年大学排名.