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Hauser and Mazurek receive faculty excellence awards of excellence at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Rene Hauser和Alexander Mazurek

两个全球网赌十大网站的教员 members have been honored with awards of excellence for the 2020-21 academic year.
Dr. 雷内·豪泽, associate professor in the 教育学院 and director of its master’s level inclusive special education program, received the Professional Excellence in University 服务奖, 而博士. 亚历山大·马祖雷克,副官 instructor of classics, received the Adjunct Faculty Professional Excellence in Teaching Award.
Hauser曾在St. 博纳旺蒂尔, 2004年至今, has a record of service to her campus and community that can be tiring just reading through it. “A list of committees she has not served on would likely be shorter than the long list of committees and task forces she has been a member of and continues to serve,” said Dr. 玛丽·罗斯·库巴尔, 政治学副教授, 和豪瑟一起在教务委员会工作的人.
“Staggering” is how elementary education professor Dr. Adam Brown describes the number of tasks Hauser gladly takes on. “Service work is in René’s blood, she never stops,” said Brown. “任何有过这种经历的人 the pleasure of working with René knows she is extremely productive…she is usually the one volunteering for extra work or being asked do to tasks for which others don’t have the expertise.”
Hauser has chaired the university’s Graduate Council 自 2016, is a founding member of the University Planning Commission, and 自 2011 has served as the 教育学院’s assessment and accreditation coordinator, 在学校工作。 院长、博士. Lisa Buenaventura, said demands “a significant amount of time, effort and collaboration.”
Her résumé includes serving on the university’s Faculty Senate; the Honors Council; the Academic Program Evaluation Committee; the University Technology Committee; the Institutional Review Board; the University Diversity Action Committee’s Disability Subcommittee; the Council on Discrimination and Harassment; the 教育学院 研究生招生 Committee; the Center for Attention, 学习, and Memory; and the Women’s 历史 Month Committee.
除了, 豪瑟曾在搜索委员会任职, 审查委员会, 奖学金及资助委员会, 作为会议协调员, 专责小组成员, peer reviewer for national and regional professional journals and conferences, 作为顾问 学生嘻哈队.
在校外, she is a longtime member and officer of Olean’s Zonta Club, an international organization devoted to rights of women and girls. She is also a member and Council president at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Olean, 还有前任总统 and member of its Christian Child Care and Preschool board. 她曾担任选民登记志愿者, and helped start a peer tutoring program at Kenmore West High School in Kenmore, 纽约.
“René is an example of service at work, and she has helped many throughout her time at St. 博纳旺蒂尔博士说. David Hilmey, dean of the School of 艺术 and Sciences. “She is well-deserving of the Professional Excellence in 服务奖.”
Hauser earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in elementary and special education from the University at Buffalo, 和她的博士学位.D. 在特殊教育方面来自美国.B. in 2006. 在来圣. 2004年,她担任博纳旺蒂尔的助理 instructor at Canisius College; a part-time lecturer at Buffalo State College; a special education teacher at Warsaw Junior and Senior High School in Warsaw, 纽约; and as a special education teacher for BOCES.
Who better to determine a teacher’s effectiveness than his students and the professors who see him in action? Dr. 亚历山大·马祖雷克,副官 instructor of classics, gets an A from both groups.
“终身雇佣这个人,” a student wrote in an evaluation after taking Mazurek’s Greek and Roman Mythology class. “一个伟大的老师,”另一个说. “一个全球网赌十大网站大师,”第三个人说.
A student in his Archaeology of Ancient Greece and Italy course called him “by far, the most relatable teacher I have had at 博纳旺蒂尔.” Others described him as “energetic and passionate,” “fun and interesting,” “intelligent, 能引起共鸣和幽默.” Another called Mazurek “one of the best professors I’ve had in my four years at St. 博纳旺蒂尔.”
These are just a sampling from the four pages of favorable student evaluations accompanying the nomination of Mazurek for the excellence in teaching honor.
Mazurek earned his bachelor’s degree in classics and archeology from Boston University, his master’s in classics from the University at Buffalo, 他的古典文学博士学位将被授予美国大学.B在六月. 他是一名助教 U讲师.B. 来圣之前. 博纳旺蒂尔, 2017年秋季.
他的学术准备是“一流的”. 杰弗里·怀特,圣乔治大学古典文学荣誉退休教授. 博纳旺蒂尔. 马祖雷克带来了“青春”, 理想主义, 想象力和能量"到古典学系, 以及他与 students have an “unselfish collaborative character,” White added.
Dr. Theodore Georgian, emeritus professor of biology at St. 博纳旺蒂尔, sat in on Mazurek’s Archaeology of Ancient Greece and Italy class in spring semester of 2020. “Simply put, it was a great course and Mazurek did a great job of teaching it,”乔治说。, 指出马祖雷克使用了“生动的插图”, penetrating analyses” and “frequent questions to students” to make the class “easy to follow and yet intellectually stimulating.”
Anahiz Rivera, a graduating senior carrying a double major in English and professional & 创意写作, 以及拉丁文和古典文学的辅修课, 在大二时从马祖雷克那里学了一门拉丁语. “他一直是我最喜欢的教授 自,”她说。, 形容他“知识渊博”, 有组织的, 注重细节的, and committed to helping students do the best they can.”
在她大二的拉丁语课之后, Rivera would enroll in three more courses taught by Mazurek over the next two years.
“我希望我能吃更多,”她说. “I have become a better student and person through his guidance.”
大学简介: 美国第一所方济各会大学St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 is a community committed to transforming the lives of our students inside and outside the classroom, 激励他们终身致力于服务 和国籍. 2020年,St. 博纳旺蒂尔 was named the #2 regional university value in 纽约 and #3 in the North by U.S. 全球网赌十大网站与世界报道.