St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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Making time for new opportunities is key for senior swimmer Griffin Witte


除了成为一名全日制学生和运动员, Griffin Witte is getting all he can out of his experience at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学.图片来源:2023届毕业生griffin Witte 

为了跟上前辈 体育课 major and Division 1 student-athlete on the men’s swim and dive team, 你需要早起,行动迅速. Witte, a native of Webster, New York, is out the door of his house long before the sun rises.

He logs at least one hour of either swimming or strength 培训 and conditioning prior to leaving for Washington West Elementary School, where he serves as a student-teacher from 7:30 a.m. 到下午2:30.m.一周五天. Following that, he practices with his teammates most days from 3 to 5 p.m.  

当他不竞争的时候, 培训, 学习或教学, he serves as vice president of the Physical Activity Club (PAC) and as president of the newly-formed Bona Student-Athletes Fellowship and Wellness Club. He’s actively involved with Special Olympics and helps in the Hall of Fame Room in the Reilly Center during men’s basketball games. He also holds a strong commitment to eating right and sleeping well. 

这是一个紧张的日程安排,但维特喜欢它. 成为D1运动员是我们家族的传统. 他的继父, 本·惠普尔, competed at Niagara as a swimmer in the late 1990s and coached him throughout his high school career. 他的父亲, Mark, 20世纪80年代中期在杜克大学打棒球, and his sister Dana is currently a swimmer at Colgate. 

Pictured_Griffin Witte and sister Dana, both D1 athletesWitte focuses on his studies just as much as he does his sport. He has been named a 2022 体育课 Departmental Major of the Year through the New York State Association for Health, 体育课, 娱乐和舞蹈. 他还获得了多项奖学金, including the Provost Scholarship and Galasso Scholarship. 

和肖恩·麦克纳米一起做志愿者, 博纳历史上获奖最多的教练, has piqued his interest in working in sports administration following graduation.

“Griff struck an immediate chord with me when he volunteered to assist with game day operations in the 体育运动 Hall of Fame, our primary hospitality space for home men’s basketball games,麦克纳米说, who serves as Bona’s associate athletic director for major gifts. “Griff openly stated that he wanted to squeeze as much out of his experience as he possibly could. I am very familiar with the grinding schedule he has to hold in being a full-time student paired with being a full-time athlete. He wanted everything he could get, which is a very positive characteristic for great things.”

Witte recently took a moment to answer a few questions about his time at St. 博纳旺蒂尔.

是什么造就了圣?. 博纳旺蒂尔大学是你选择的大学?
我在这里感受到的联系. During a recruitment visit, the athletes on the team showed me around. 他们是我见过的最好的人. 他们现在是我生活中的榜样. 

As an officer for the wellness group and PAC, what would you tell others about these groups?
The student-athlete wellness group is where athletes can advocate for their team and provide needed support. 在任何一项运动中成为一名运动员都是很不容易的. 有这么高的期望设定. 你身上有了负担. 这个小组是一个与其他运动员交谈的地方, 扩展常见问题, and create a chance to support the student-athlete as a whole at the university.

The PAC is a great club that supports a variety of physical activity events and organizations on campus. Anyone can join and it helps support great causes.

What do you most appreciate about being a student here?
作为一名全球网赌十大网站 is the community that you are immersed in from day one. The community will endlessly support you in your academic career as well as endeavors beyond the years that you spend here. 

What words or lessons have remained with you, making a difference in how you approach each day?
A professor once told me “you’ll blink and it will all be over.“这句话一直困扰着我,因为这是真的. Everything in the Bona world moves at unquantifiable speed, and before you know it you’ll be walking onto campus senior year, 问自己,  “时间都到哪里去了??”

你对博纳有什么特别的回忆吗?图片来自弗里德萨姆图书馆的griffin Witte
There is no one special moment, the whole experience is special  —  from waking up at 5:30 a.m., thinking how lucky I am to jump into a cold 池 so early in the morning, to hanging out with my team at the end of a long day. 

The university recently launched the campaign for A Bolder 博纳旺蒂尔. How will gifts to this campaign help you as a student-athlete? 
All athletes here feel the love and appreciation from the supporters and alumni who attend sporting events and make donations to a variety of programs. 就我个人而言,我是全球网赌十大网站 athletics program allows me to see how special it is to be an athlete in collegiate sports and on top of that how lucky I am to have landed at this university. 

作为一个学生运动员和运动爱好者, I appreciate all of the support we are receiving from our supporters. It keeps the dreams and legacies of the athletics program here at 博纳旺蒂尔 alive. 

When it comes down to the work that the athletes are putting in on the field, 法院, 池, 还有在健身房, 保持营养是很困难的. Funding for a nutrition bar or satellite food station for athletes to fuel up for 培训 would do wonders, especially for those with busy schedules and no time to visit one of our dining options. 

There are a variety of ways to keep athletes healthy and performing in practice and in competition, 营养只是其中之一.


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