St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学





Associate Professor, 体育课
体育教育主席 & 体育研究课程
Member, Environmental Studies Council
  • ph值101. Foundations of 体育课 
  • ph值105. Early Childhood Motor Development 
  • ph值107. Health-related Fitness and Health Promotion 
  • ph值201 - 202. Individual and Dual Physical 活动 
  • ph值203. 体育课程 
  • ph值306. 评估 
  • ph值309. 冒险教育 
  • Ed.D., 体育课 Pedagogy, University of Northern Colorado, 1996
  • M.S., Physical and Health Education, University of 怀俄明, 1993
  • M.S., Exercise Science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1987
  • B.S., Health and 体育课, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1985
  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, 2003-2004, Interim Director (Graduate Health Education)
  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, 2003-2013, Department Chairperson (体育课)
  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, 2003, Associate Professor (Tenured)
  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, 1998, Assistant Professor
  • Morehead State University, 1997-1998, Assistant Professor
  • University of 怀俄明, 1996-1997, Instructor
  • Ivinson Memorial Hospital, 1995-1997, 娱乐al and Movement Therapist
  • University of 怀俄明, 1995-1996, Research Associate
  • University of Northern Colorado, 1993-1995, Instructor (Graduate Assistant)
  • University of 怀俄明, 1993, Research Graduate Assistant
  • University of 怀俄明, 1991-1993, Instructor (Graduate Assistant)
  • Eckerd Wilderness Program, 1990-1991, 体育课 for 青年 At-Risk.
  • USIA/危地马拉n Olympic Committee, 1989, Strength Coach
  • 福利署, 青年, 和体育, Brunei Darusalam, 1986-1988, Weightlifting/Strength Coach
  • Homer Central High School, 1985-1986, Public School Teacher (Health and 体育课)
  • 西蒙·J. Brawdy P.  (2003). Out-of-field teaching in physical education teacher education - Should we be concerned? Journal of Health, 体育课, 娱乐 and Dance. 74(3), 12-15
  • Brawdy P.& 伊根(2001).  The ersatz teacher: Seeking authenticity in the mirrored halls of accountability, 教育研究.  冬天,438 - 452
  • Brawdy P.  & Byra, M.  (1995年秋季).  Supervision of an early field teaching experience: The effect of two supervisory models.  The Physical Educator,52(3), 147-159
  • Brawdy P. (1986).  Manipulating the variables of intensity and duration through exercise selection and order.  Journal of the National Strength and Conditioning Association.,9(3), 60-61
  • Brawdy P. & Fernandez-Balboa J. (2003).  Thinking critically about becoming a good teacher, In J. Kinchloe (Ed.), Critical Thinking and Learning, (127-135). 韦斯特波特:格林伍德
  • Brawdy P. (2001).  Moving toward kindness: What discipline teaches.  In Ben Lombardo (Ed), Sport and Movement in the 21st Century, (pp. 11-18). 波士顿:皮尔森
  • Brawdy P.  (2004).  Developing Bi-Cultural Awareness through Outdoor Education in Preservice 体育课 Teacher Preparation: The Seneca Experience.  XII World Congress on   Comparative Education. 古巴哈瓦那
  • 泰勒,K.马丁内斯,R., & Brawdy P.J. (1995).  Evaluation and redesign of a basic instructional program, Research Quarterly for Exercise and  Sport.  三月增刊,A-47号
  • 西蒙·J. & Brawdy P. (2001).  A good teacher can teach anything? Western College 体育课 Society Monograph Series, 11, 2-9
  • Brawdy P. & 罗便士. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2003 National Conference on Outdoor Leadership,  Wilderness Education Association, 保罗史密斯学院, NY
  • Brawdy P. & 罗,P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2002 National Conference on Outdoor Leadership, Wilderness Education Association, 布拉德福德森林, IN 
  • Brawdy P. (2000).  人类的运动和善良.  Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physiques Online Journal 
  • Brawdy P. (1998).  Exploring freedom through the experience of the self-conscious mover:  Garden City, NY: Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physiques, 终身教育
Refereed Technical and Research Reports 
  • 简·西蒙.; Brawdy,保罗. (2001).  A Good Teacher Can Teach Anything? (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED462382)
  • Brawdy P.J. (2001).  Exploring kindness through the pedagogy of Aikido.  St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学.  (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED451451) 
  • Brawdy P.J. & Byra, M. (1995).  Supervision of pre-service teachers during an early field teaching experience.  University of 怀俄明, Schools of Physical and Health Education.  (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ515467)
  • Brawdy P.J., & Byra, M. (1994).  A comparison of two supervisory models in a preservice teaching practicum.  University of 怀俄明, School of Physical and Health Education.  (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 372 065)
   Non-Refereed Technical and Research Reports 
  • Brawdy P.J.法尔伯格,L.A., & Fahlberg L.L.  (1996).  1995 Evaluation report: An evaluation of reducing the risk curriculum training.  Report submitted to the 怀俄明 Department of Education, Cheyenne, 怀俄明
  • Brawdy P.J.法尔伯格,L.A., & Fahlberg L.L.  (1996).  1995 Evaluation report: A process evaluation of the four 怀俄明 CSHE pilot sites.  Report submitted to the 怀俄明 Department of Education, Cheyenne, 怀俄明
  • Brawdy P.J.  (1996).  1996 Student survey: Sweetwater County School District #2 health curriculum.  Report submitted to Sweetwater County School District #2, Green River, 怀俄明
  • Brawdy P.J.法尔伯格,L.A., & Fahlberg L.L.  (1995).  1995 Policy review: A content analysis of the HIV public school district policies in the state of 怀俄明.  Report submitted to the 怀俄明 Department of Education, Cheyenne, 怀俄明
  • Brawdy P.J. (1993).  Health lessons for rural health care of mothers and infants in Khandburi, Nepal.  Khandburi, Nepal: University of 怀俄明 
  • Brawdy P.J. (1989).  Coaching manual for strength and conditioning of national team sports.  危地马拉 City, 危地马拉: 危地马拉n Olympic Committee
  • Brawdy P. J. (1987).  Strength conditioning level I coaching manual.  文莱达鲁萨兰国: 福利署, 青年, 和体育
  • Brawdy P. J. (1987).  Strength and conditioning level II coaching manual.  文莱达鲁萨兰国: 福利署, 青年, 和体育
  • 费舍尔,交流.布朗迪,P. & 汤普森,C. (2011), Considering Culturally-Responsive Praxis in Student Teaching: The Development of a Pilot Capstone Course. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME). 内华达州拉斯维加斯,2010年11月5日 
  • Brawdy P.Belcher, D.Leroy, P.Scraba, P., & 拉达,D.  考虑到被殖民的心灵, Body and Spirit: Teaching in the Borderlands of Native America Presented at the 2008 AIESEP World Congress, 札幌, 日本, 2008
  • Brawdy P. What is the Source of a Coach’s Authority?  Presented to the Salamanca High School Athletic Department, Salamanca, NY, 2007.
  • Brawdy P. Exploring Culturally-Relevant Pedagogies for a Diverse Community of Learners.   Presented at the 2007 National AAHPERD Convention, Baltimore, MD, 2007
  • Brawdy P. & 戴维斯,N.  教学地图 & Compass 活动 to Multiple Intelligences. Presented at the 2006 National AAHPERD Convention, Salt Lake City, UT, 2006
  • 戴维斯,N. & Brawdy P.  Teaching Mountain Biking in 体育课  Presented at the 2005 National AAHPERD Pre-Conference Workshop, 芝加哥, IL, 2005
  • Brawdy P.  Developing Bi-Cultural Awareness through Outdoor Education in Preservice 体育课 Teacher Preparation: The Seneca Experience.  XII World Congress on Comparative Education. 哈瓦那,古巴,2004年
  • Brawdy P.  你的课程是最新的吗??  Are We Moving in the Same 方向 as the World Around us?  Presented at the Western New York 体育课 Teachers’ Roundtable, 波特维尔高中, Portville, NY, 2004
  • Brawdy P.罗,P.工人,G., & 戴维斯,N. Hard Skills of Outdoor Education for 体育课 Teachers.  Presented at the 2004 National AAHPERD Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2003
  • 罗,P.工人,G., & 戴维斯,N. & Brawdy P.  Wilderness Education Curriculum Development for Inservice Public School Teachers: The WEA workshop.  Presented at the 2003 National AAHPERD. Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2003
  • Brawdy P.  Wilderness Education Workshops in the State of New York  for In-service Teachers.  Presented at the 2003 National Wilderness Education Association Conference, Paul Smith, NY, 2003
  • Brawdy P.  Teaching Orienteering and Indoor Wall Climbing in 体育课 K-12 Curriculum.  Inservice provided for Pioneer Central School District 体育课 教师, Machias, NY, 2003
  • Brawdy P.  Teaching Orienteering in 体育课 K-12 Curriculum.  Inservice provided for Pioneer Central School District 体育课 教师, Machias, NY, 2002
  • Brawdy P.  Exploring Human Kindness Through Pedagogy of Aikido.  Presented at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA,  2001
  • Brawdy P.  Reflections on the Pedagogy of Aikido: Implications for Practice in Teacher Preparation in 体育课.  Presented at the 11th Annual National Somatics Conference, Columbus, OH, 2001
  • 西蒙·J. & Brawdy P.  A Good Teacher Can Teach Anything?  Presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the Western College 体育课 Society, Reno, NV, 2001
  • Brawdy P.  Linking 评估 to Sound Curriculum Planning in 体育课.  Presented at assessment in-service for Allegany public school teachers, Allegany, NY, 2000
  • Brawdy P. Examining the Role of Educational Research in Popular Debate, Public Policy and Instructional Practice.  Presented at the American 教育研究 Association annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, 2000
  • (2000) St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, Internal Grant for Institutionally Sponsored Research, $650.00
  • (2007) Journey Grant, Internal Grant for Curriculum Development, $7,000.00
  • (2007) Journey Sub-Grant, Internal Grant for Curriculum Development, $3,000.00
  • (2007) St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, Keenan Grant, $4,800.00
  • (2009) St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, Keenan Grant, $4,600.00
  • Dr. G. Arthur Broten Young Scholar Award Co-recipient, 2001
  • University of Northern Colorado, Tuition Scholarship, 1994 – 1995
  • University of Northern Colorado, Tuition Scholarship, 1993 – 1994
  • Finalist, Outstanding Graduate Research Project, University of 怀俄明, 1993
  • Recognized for Outstanding Service to the National Sports Program by the 危地马拉n Olympic Committee, 危地马拉, 中美洲, 1989
  • 感谢体育服务, 福利署, 青年, 和体育, 文莱达鲁萨兰国, 1988
  • Brawdy. P.  Overcoming the Inertia of Institutionalized Teacher Selves:  Adventures in 体育课 Teacher Preparation. 
  • Brawdy P.  Exploring Kindness Through the Pedagogy of Aikido, Journal of Sport, Education and Society.

Service on many committees including 

  • 教育学院 Dean’s Council, 2002-present
  • 体育运动 Deferred Maintenance Committee, 2007
  • Bona Voyageur Advisor, 2005-2006
  • 滑雪队顾问,2004-06
  • 教育学院 图书馆 Committee, 2000-2001
  • Student 娱乐 Center Committee, 2002
  • Employee Wellness Committee, 2002
  • University Finance Committee, 2001 – 2002
  • 教师 搜索 Committee (Health Education), 2001 – 2002


Memberships and Service; Professional 组织 

  • American Education Research Association, Member 1999-2002
  • 协会会员,1998- 2001年
  • American Alliance for Health, 体育课, 娱乐, and Dance, Member, 1991 – present
  • New York Alliance for Health, 体育课, 娱乐 and Dance, Member 1998-present
  • 怀俄明 Alliance for Health, 体育课, 娱乐, and Dance, Member, 1991 - 1994
  • Wilderness Education Association, Member, 1989 – 1996, 2001-present
  • American College of Sports Medicine, Member, 1987-1989
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association, Member 1985 - 1991