St. Bonaventure University

School of Education 教师

Chimbel, Bethanne

Bethanne Chimbel

Adolescence Education
School of Education

全球网赌十大网站ing Assistant Professor, Adolescence Education; Adolescence Education Fieldblock Supervisor
Office phone: (716) 375-2395
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Plassmann Hall B51
  • EDUC 101. Social Foundations of American Education: A Current Issues Approach
  • 建造于208年. Designing And Delivering Instruction
  • 建造于208年L. Instructional Design for All Learners
  • 建造于330年. Methods, Models, Management of Instruction
  • 建造于406年. Evaluating Learners & 学习
  • 建造于524年. Methods, Models and Management of Instruction
  • EDUC 533. Historical, Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum
  • 建造于540年. Evaluating Learners and 学习
  • 医学博士,课程与教学——以社会研究为重点,德克萨斯基督教大学,2003
  • 2002年,德州基督教大学历史学学士,辅修政治学和地理学
  • NY State Social Studies certificate (Grades 7-12); 2019 (current)
  • CA Preliminary Single Subject (Social Science) Teaching Credential; 2003 (Exp. 2008)
  • TX Standard Secondary (Grades 6-12) Social Studies Teaching Cred.; 2003 (current)

贝瑟妮的教学生涯几乎涵盖了所有你能想到的场景. While teaching in California, she was at a parochial school, teaching middle school math and social studies. She helped pilot the new approach the school was taking to middle school, including coordinating curriculum and interdisciplinary projects, and was on the accreditation committee. Handling class sizes of close to 40 at times, 她在认识到课堂管理的重要性的同时,也迅速磨练了自己的课堂管理技巧 of being available to students as both a teacher and a mentor.

After a move to 德州, 贝瑟妮的职业生涯进入了高中阶段,她在达拉斯的一所表演和视觉艺术学校找到了一份工作. 作为一名主要教授一门学科(美国历史)的社会研究教师,这是典型的 very linear, 贝瑟妮很快认识到,有创造力的学生需要创造性和非线性的方法,并调整了她的课程,以满足学生的需求. 这个机会开启了一种全新的教学方式,让贝瑟妮 开发在学术课堂上不常见的方法和教学法, making some administrators very nervous. 然而, after showing that her approaches led to strong test scores, she was given much more leeway to develop her own strategies outside of the district’s typical approach, earning her Teacher of the Year in 2008-2009.

In 2010, Bethanne changed schools once again, due to marriage and a move, and began to teach at a large, comprehensive high school in Fort Worth, 德州, 人口在种族和社会经济上都很多样化. Once again, she 利用她开发不同寻常的社会研究方法的经验,让她的学生发现这门学科平易近人,引人入胜. 他们讲述故事,而不是列出日期,讨论时没有任何话题是禁忌的,蜡笔 他们经常使用尖笔,座位表也被换成了灵活的座位,桌子和椅子的不断重新排列占据了整个房间. 学生的选择往往是他们生存的祸根(因为当你不得不 choose as a student, it forces you to care about a topic, 做出决定并为自己的学习负责),在问题上采取立场,并以证据支持他们的立场,这成为了一种自豪感. Bethanne was awarded 2013年沃斯堡的休厄尔·雷克萨斯人文学科卓越教学奖. 

Meanwhile, 贝瑟妮越来越多地被任命在校园里担任领导职务, 开发专业发展机会,在学校内部创建新的系统,帮助学生取得更大的成功,并为自己的职业发展承担责任 学习和帮助改善全球网赌十大网站,通过教师之间更好的合作. 她被邀请参与范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)的一个研究项目,该项目的重点是如何扩大基层努力来改变内部系统 public schools, 后来出版了几本关于教师领导和全球网赌十大网站的著作, 在一次全国会议上发表演讲,并获得教育部的几笔赠款,以进一步发展教师的领导作用. 

2018年,贝瑟妮的丈夫在纽约西部找到了一份工作,再次改变了她的人生轨迹. 贝瑟妮开始与那些在圣·路德·金大学追求教育事业的大学学生分享她对教学的热爱. Bonaventure University. Working with student-teachers and interns in the classroom setting, Bethanne teaches and mentors the teacher-candidates, 帮助他们在课堂上找到自己的哲学和方法,同时使用他们的研究支持的教学法 are mastering. 



  • Chimbel, B., & 啊,史密斯. (2018). Find Your Tribe: A Peer Observation Story. ASCD Express, Vol. 14. No 7; 2018
  • 2015 Chimbel, B., & 啊,史密斯. (2015). Building Teacher Leadership for Innovation and Ownership. Conference Paper. National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools; 2015


  • Fort Worth ISD Social Studies Professional Development – presenter for AP US 历史; 2011-2018
  • Arlington Heights High School Professional Development – organizer/presenter for school-based PD; 2014-2018
  • National Center for Scaling Up (NCSU) Conference, Vanderbilt University – presenter of academic paper; 2015


  • 国家人文基金会-人文联系规划补助金, $34,924, one year; “Collaborative Pathways for Inquiry-Based Education: Piloting a Humanities Education Partnership”; Project Planning Team member; 2022


  • Application accepted to present at 学习 Forward conference, Dallas, TX; 2018
  • TeachtoLead Summit proposal accepted for Dept of Ed’s TeachtoLead Summit, Nashville; 2018
  • TeachtoLead Summit idea accepted for further development with Dept of Ed Leadership Lab; 2017
  • Invited participant to Dept of Ed’s TeachToLead Summit, Long Beach; 2016
  • AP Audit for Syllabus Approved (AP US 历史), Gifted and Talented Certification; 2017-18
  • FWISD Sewell Lexus Teaching Chair of Excellence, Social Studies; 2012-13
  • Project HOPE Department of Education US 历史 Grant Teacher; 2010-13
  • Campus Teacher of the Year, Booker T. Washington HSPVA; 2008-09
  • Semi-Finalist for Dallas ISD Teacher of the Year; 2008
  • Invited to be a facilitator for the People to People World Leadership Forum; 2005

I believe in students and in their potential. 我认为所有的学生都应该被鼓励去实现他们的潜力,而不应该因为种族而被归类, ethnicity, 性别, ability or socio-economic background … or any other characteristic, past decisions or belief sets.

我相信学生作为人的需要和课程内容的需要一样重要. 我相信教学和学习应该是协作的、反应的和反思的. I believe systems can and should be improved so that they 为所有参与者工作,我不相信阻止人们成为解决方案一部分的“通道”.

I know that teaching is work and work is about people, so the experiences of all of those around me (students, co-workers, 管理者)在课堂上发生的事情中起着重要的作用. Teaching should help students build the skills necessary to become contributors to society, so in a classroom, learning should matter and be applicable to real-world scenarios.

I believe learning is messy, loud and, at times, uncomfortable. 

  • Teacher leadership
  • Creative approaches to traditional education
  • Scaling up and out grass-roots efforts to improve education
  • Improving school cultures through teacher collaboration
  • 课堂和学校系统内的公平、包容和归属感