St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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四场展览将于今秋在里贾纳A. 快速艺术中心


'Willard Suitcases' exhibition funded by Humanities New York Vision Grant

女王的一个. 快速艺术中心 在全球网赌十大网站 is opening four new exhibitions this fall. 

的 exhibition “的 Willard Suitcases,” organized by photographer Jon Crispin, will run Sept. 1月至11月. 在奎克艺术中心.

威拉德手提箱照片,版权为Jon Crispin 2022的 exhibition came about after the closing of the Willard Psychiatric Hospital in the Finger Lakes region of New York state in 1995. 当时, employees tasked with cleaning out the building found hundreds of suitcases in an attic of an abandoned building. 他们中的许多人似乎从他们的主人之后就没有动过, 威拉德医院的病人, 几十年前就带他们来了.

的 exhibition contains 30 framed photographs and text panels. 凯伦L. 米勒,米.D., 精神病医生, conducted research at the New York State Archives in connection with this project and has written text panels about 10 of the patients whose suitcases have survived. Her clinical examination of the medical files shed some light on the patients’ initial diagnoses and treatment and provide likely 21st century diagnoses and treatment.

配合展览, the Quick Center will host a panel discussion about the advancement of mental health services from institutions (like Willard) to more person-centered, 以社区为基础的服务.

的 program, “Unpacking the Willard Suitcases: From Institution to Community,” will be held at 4 p.m. 周四,10月. 13日,在Quick Center的Rigas家庭剧院. 它是免费向公众开放的. 随后将举行招待会.

Crispin will be joined on the panel by Laurence Guttmacher, M.D., professor emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center; Mary O’Leary, 卡特罗格斯县社区服务中心主任, 提供心理健康, 酒精和药物滥用, and developmental disability services; and Ashley Luedke, Ph.D., LMHC, associate professor and chair of the SBU Counseling Education Program. 除了《全球网赌十大网站》里的照片,” Crispin documented 19th century New York state facilities once referred to as “insane asylums.” 

“Mental health is a topic that is on the minds of many in our community as we strive to get back to normal in our lingering pandemic world,伊芙琳·彭曼说, 艺术中心副主任兼高级策展人. “Although much has been publicized about the increased demand for mental health services during the pandemic, we find that further understanding is needed to continue to break down society’s barriers that existed long before the COVID pandemic.”

通过举办摄影展, “we will have a starting point to generate further dialogue and cause reflection and critical thinking as well as to promote understanding and acceptance of those with a mental health diagnosis,”她说。.

的 exhibition and panel discussion are made possible by a $4,360 Humanities New York Vision Grant. 的se grants are federally funded through the National Endowment for the Humanities and provide funding to implement humanities projects that encourage public audiences to reflect on their values, 探索新想法, 并与社区中的其他人交流.

第二次展览, “Imagery and Icons: 的 Herrlein Series of Franciscan Saints and Icons by Br. 罗伯特·伦茨,胶卷暗盒,” features paintings of the 13 Franciscan saints by Johann Andreas Herrlein (German, 1723-1796). It is on loan from the Franciscan friars of the Holy Name Province. 展览将于9月举行。. 1月至11月. 20.

的se 250-year-old paintings are contrasted by the icons of Br. 罗伯特·伦茨,O.F.M. Br. 罗伯特驻扎在全球网赌十大网站. 除了每天画好几个小时以外, 他教徒弟, 写, and conducts workshops on art and spirituality throughout the United States. Br. Robert is active in promoting dialog between Muslims and Christians and also is committed to the indigenization of Byzantine iconography in the various cultures embraced by the Church.

Lentz’s icons reflect his experiences among the poor in this country and in the Third World, 以及他的方济各会和俄罗斯血统. 的y are filled with bright colors and often depict contemporary subjects. While always striving to remain true to the essence of Byzantine iconography, he adapts traditional conventions in order to minister better to the emerging church. His icons remain transcendent expressions of the ancient Christian tradition, 他们邀请我们与上帝和圣徒交流. 

本次展览还将举办两场画廊讲座. 第一场将在下午4点举行.m. 周一,9月. 19. Hartwig库尔, 画家赫莱因的后代, will discuss his research and recent book on the painter’s life. 10月星期二. 4、下午1点.m., as part of the university’s celebration of Francis Week, Br. 罗伯特将谈谈他的绘画作品. 这两个对话, which will be held in the Kenney Gallery of the Quick Center, 是否免费向公众开放.

第三个新的临时展览 is titled “Women Artists: Part One 的 Poetics of Reverie.本次展览由全球网赌十大网站校友Gary Keem, 1969年. 这次展览, 这幅画挂在奎克中心的前画廊里, features nonrepresentational art by women artists over the last 30 years. Nationally recognized artists such as P在圣eir and Kathy Muhlemann and regional artists like Jane Foley Ferraro are featured. Part Two of this exhibition will be hung in the spring of 2023. “女性艺术家”从9月11日开始. 1至12月. 15.

夹层画廊包含第四个展览 在快速中心, a selection of photographs from the Finger Lakes region of New York by Chris Walters of Corning. An excerpt from Walters' artist statement encourages the viewer to “embrace the beauty and sanctity in both the photograph itself and the act of viewing it.”

自2013年开始在区域工作和展览, 沃尔特斯的五指湖风景, 他们的瀑布, lakeside sunsets and small communities have won awards and been published in F-Stop magazine and Life in the Finger Lakes Magazine. 艺术家讲座计划在9月11日星期四中午举行. 29,在快速中心. 欢迎大家参加. 这些照片将于9月11日展出. 1月至11月. 13.

For more information about the Quick Center’s exhibitions and programs, visit www.在布.edu/QuickCenter.



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