St. Bonaventure University

News, Publications & Research


Apr 22, 2022

A number of St. 博纳旺蒂尔社区成员和组织在2022年Fr期间因其成就和对大学社区的奉献而得到认可. Joe Doino O.F.M. and Student Life Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, April 20. 

For a photo gallery of the award winners, click here.


The following people are winners of Fr. Joe Doino, O.F.M., Awards, which honor individuals, 在过去一学年对大学社区做出重大贡献的项目和组织:

Joel Rosencrance and Alice Miller Nation, The Fr. Bob Stewart, O.F.M., Awards, 颁发给自愿为他或她担任顾问的组织贡献最多时间和奉献的教职员工, moderator or chaplain. Joel was the Student Athlete Advisory Committee adviser; Alice oversees the Bona Buddies program.

Spectrum’s “Coming Out Day,” the Program or Event of the Year, 表彰在过去一年中举办的最佳节目或活动. Ayushi Jain, Ellie Weidner, Tanvi Paritala, Lillian Mikula and adviser Sean Conklin accepted the award.

Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Donald L. Korben Community Service Award, 颁发给那些在大学和/或周边社区志愿服务中“超越职责要求”的团体/学生. Caroline Paterno (president), 科迪·希普(副总裁)和乔尔·罗森朗斯(顾问)接受了奖项.

Margot Hickey, The Fr. Gervase White, O.F.M., Staff Person of the Year, presented to a St. Bonaventure employee who has gone out of his or her way, especially in aiding students and enhancing student life on campus.

Student Government Association, Organization/Club of the Year,颁发给表现出对全球网赌十大网站通过它的活动,增加了学生的生活. Meghan Hall (president), Cody Shimp (VP), Alexa Shahine(财务主管)和Zayba Chauhdry(秘书)领奖.

Alexandra Rozanski and Michael LaRock, The Dennis R. DePerro Student Leaders of the Year, 颁发给在带领组织走向成功的过程中表现出模范领导能力的校园组织的最高领导人.

德尔雷·霍尼卡特和扎伊巴·乔赫德里,特里·比克尔学生生活奖, 颁发给对学生生活领域做出最重大贡献的人.

科迪·希普,希瑟·罗尔学生政府协会年度成员, 这是为纪念1994届毕业生希瑟·罗尔而颁发给学生会成员的奖项, 前管理层和学术代表,长期患病后去世. Lohr brought renewed professionalism to her positions, in which she showed selflessness and a willingness to help.

David Kassnoff, The Leo E. Keenan Jr. Faculty Appreciation Award, presented to the faculty member who most exemplifies a genuine commitment to human betterment through the acquisition of knowledge; who is guided in his or her daily life by a deep sensitivity and gentle understanding of differences; and who reflects in his or her relationships with students an enduring optimism.

Dwight Coleman and Marisol Woods-Jones, The Margaret T. Bryner Award, 表彰一个团体或个人在支持多样性和多元文化倡议方面所采取的积极行动. Bonaventure campus.


Lindsey Lytle, FCSC Student of the Year, 颁发给最能体现方济各会社会关怀中心使命和事工的学生.

Kelly Fitzgerald, Mt. Irenaeus Student of the Year, 颁发给奉献精神和奉献精神最能体现爱任纽山使命和事工的学生.

Kurt Martone, San Damiano Student of the Year, 颁发给为支持使命付出最多时间和奉献的学生干部, ministry and programming of the San Damiano Center for Pastoral & Liturgical Ministries.    


Benjamin Allen, Service Leadership Award: Veteran,以表彰他在圣·琼斯大学担任志愿者/学生老干部期间的杰出表现. Bonaventure University Military Aligned Students Program.

James Rumschlag, Service Leadership Award: Student,以表扬他在香港大学担任义工/学生领袖期间的优异表现. Bonaventure University Military Aligned Students Program.


Madeleine Girard, RA Rookie of the Year Award, 一项个人奖,颁发给通过项目发展对社区做出杰出贡献的第一年住校助理, addressing student needs, and leadership through crisis response.

Marisol Woods-Jones, RA Senior Achievement Award, 一项个人奖,颁发给在居住生活中服务至少两年或两年以上的毕业住宿助理,并通过项目开发为他们的住宿社区做出了杰出贡献, addressing student needs, and leadership through crisis response, etc. 该个人还通过指导积极支持同事, guidance, 对团队成员进行个人和团队动态的培训. 这是一个即将毕业的住宿助理所能获得的最高荣誉.

John Durr and Natalie Watkowski, The EMPOWER award, 授予一名或多名在支持EMPOWER目标方面表现出领导力和主动性的学生, 一个学生同伴预防教育团体,旨在对校园社区进行性侵犯教育, dating, domestic violence and stalking.


首届SBU价值奖旨在表彰那些最能体现大学同情心核心价值观的学生, wisdom and integrity.

Lucas Ishman, Compassion: Presented to the student who shares God’s unconditional love, particularly with those on the margins of society; the needs, the ignored, and the excluded.

Alexandra Beamish, Integrity: 表彰那些为自己的行为承担责任,并以尊重他人尊严为基础建立人际关系的学生, honesty, and transparency.

Brianna Slingerland, Wisdom展示给那些证明了教育能改变整个人的学生, concerned not only with intellect, but also with the will, the heart, and the body.


每年选出两名毕业生和两名亚军,他们最能体现圣. Bonaventure and the ideals of St. 弗朗西斯通过他们在博纳大学本科期间对社区服务和学术卓越的承诺. 这一最高荣誉和珍贵的传统颂扬了圣. Bonaventure graduate. (获奖者的详细情况将在周日的毕业典礼上公布.)

Meghan Hall and Jack Steger, Ideal Bonaventure Students. 

理想Bonaventure学生Zayba Chaudry和Sonal Mahindroo(亚军). 


About the University: The nation’s first Franciscan university, St. 博纳文蒂尔大学是一个致力于在课堂内外改变学生生活的社区, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service and citizenship. St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学被评为美国北部地区大学价值第5名.S. News and World Report’s 2022 college rankings edition.