St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


St. Bonaventure professor attends Notre Dame seminar on ‘Business and Catholic Social Thought’ ​



One glance at Heather McDivitt’s resume will make one thing perfectly clear: a love for learning.

With one undergraduate degree, three master’s degrees and a Ph.D. 以她的名义, the Olean native has had quite the journey around the world before returning home to work at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 as assistant athletic director for Academic Support in 2013.

“I loved being able to work with the coaches and the students and the parents kind of serving as that link between athletics and faculty, providing another layer of support and helping students find those resources on campus,麦克迪维特说 她以前的角色.

Fast forward to 2018 when, after having just finished her MBA at St. 博纳文蒂尔,麦克迪维特博士. 大卫·希尔米,艺术学院院长 & Sciences, to join the Department of Philosophy after a re-organization of curriculum and several 退休.

有教育背景的, including serving as a professor of religion at Wingate University in North Carolina and having served as an adjunct professor in St. Bonaventure’s former Clare College, McDivitt knew she would enjoy the experience. 但是,这个想法最初让她陷入了困境.

“It was hard after five years leaving athletics because I got to know the coaches and the tight-knit department,”她说。. “但, it was also good timing because I had hired an assistant athletic coordinator (Joel Rosencrance) for men’s basketball and other teams and this was a perfect time for me to step away because he knew my role. 他天生是个随和的人.”

现在, after one year on faculty serving as a visiting assistant professor, McDivitt has already added more to her curriculum vitae, 包括她最近被选去参加一个研讨会, 题目是“商业与天主教社会思想”,” Lumen Christi研究所. The seminar was held June 2-5 at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.

McDivitt became aware of the seminar from accounting professor Dr. Joe Coate, with whom she had presented a paper, along with assistant professor of finance Dr. 迈克·加拉格尔,关于圣. 弗朗西斯和卢卡·帕乔利论天主教社会教育.

The seminar was designed “as an introduction and immersion into Catholic social thought for graduate students and faculty in business schools.”

“It was really rich because people came from different backgrounds,”她说。. “The presenters were from the fields of ethics, finance, and management. We had people with backgrounds in philosophy, theology, and MBA directors.”

Not only were participants diverse in their intellectual backgrounds, but they were also diverse in their regional backgrounds with members hailing from Mexico, 秘鲁, 哥斯达黎加, 阿根廷, 尼日利亚, 葡萄牙, 波兰, 和意大利.

 “It was a very small group of people from around the world, from different academic disciplines coming together to talk about business ethics and higher education,”她说。.

“我们如何帮助支持我们的 年轻的商业领袖? 我们如何为他们提供基础, 成为优秀会计师的工具, 要擅长金融, 成为伟大的营销人员和管理者? 和, what does the Catholic tradition provide whether we teach at a Catholic university 或者州立大学? It just was an incredibly diverse group of scholars and backgrounds sharing ideas.”

会议不仅有价值, McDivitt说, but so were moments during which the group spent a meal together.

“The meal times were very intentional times to chat with different people, to break off,”她说。. “I wouldn’t call this a retreat — it was a seminar because we had homework — but because we stayed in the same hotel, we had breakfast together, we had lunch together, it was almost like a retreat in that sense.

她补充说, “通常, 当你去参加一个大型会议时, you have all of these little sessions for people to break out. But from the first dinner to the final lunch and Mass, we traveled as a group and we were with each other from 8 a.m. to 晚上9点或10点.”

One conversation proved to McDivitt how similar students and learning styles are outside the United States.

“The last night I had a great conversation with a man from Mexico and the female participant from 尼日利亚 and we were just talking about basic teaching techniques and class participation. 当那个年轻女子从 尼日利亚 said, ‘I can’t keep kids off their cell phones!’ I laughed and thought, ‘Well, it’s not just here (in the United States)!’”

她补充说, “我们分享了一些教学上的挫折, 还有我们从道德教学中得到的, 去看那些“灵光乍现的时刻”,,以便稍后收到学生的回复, 关于一个案例研究或者我们谈过的东西 《全球网赌十大网站》产生了影响. 这真的很有趣.”

McDivitt plans to share all of her findings with faculty members in business and philosophy.

“We have a really extensive and helpful tradition of values and ethics and guidance. It’s kind of my role to share this with 其他人 in the School of Business and to find ways — on campus or in the classroom or extracurricular programming — to help get the students excited about some of our Franciscan tradition and resources.”

和, though her time being with her colleagues at the seminar has concluded, 麦克迪维特说,他们都保持着联系.

“We’ve set up a listserv and a website where we’re sharing syllabi and ideas about research and case studies,”她说。. “这是一个很好的机会.”


大学简介: 全国第一所方济会大学, we believe in the goodness of every person and in the ability of every person to do extraordinary things. St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 cultivates graduates who are confident 创造性的沟通者, 协作型领导和团队成员, and innovative problem solvers who are respectful of themselves, 其他人, 以及他们周围多样化的世界. Named the #1 regional university value in New York and #2 in the 北偏U.S. 全球网赌十大网站与世界报道, 我们正在建立通往实习的途径, graduate schools and careers in the context of our renowned liberal arts tradition.