St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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    2024年4月11日| Dr. 斯科特·辛普森, 化学系教授兼系主任, presented his work on hydrogen storage and chemical education at the Spring 2024 National American Chemical Society meeting, 发生在新奥尔良的, 路易斯安那州.

    2024年4月11日| Dr. 斯科特·辛普森, 化学系教授兼系主任, and Dr. Alyssa桑托斯, 博士后学者, attended the Local-Orbital Basis Suite Towards Electronic-Structure Reconstruction (LOBSTER) 2024 School held at Aalto University in Finland.

    2024年4月5日|圣乔治大学化学专业. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 now have a third opportunity for automatic acceptance into a doctoral 化学 程序 upon graduation from SBU.

    Feb 15, 2024 | Students who graduate with a bachelor’s degree in 化学 from St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 are now eligible for automatic acceptance into the Ph.D. 在布法罗大学的化学项目工作.

    2023年12月7日|博士. 斯科特·辛普森, 化学教授, 以及最近化学系的毕业生乔纳森·安特尔, '21, 迈克尔·拉洛克, '22, 以及布法罗大学的研究人员 and University of Pittsburgh, have had their publication titled "Building Chemical Intuition about Physicochemical Properties of C8-Per-/Polyfluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids through Computational Means" published in ACS Environmental Science & 技术工程(ACS ES)&T工程).

    2023年11月8日|博士. Scott M. 圣辛普森大学化学教授. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, is one of eight 化学 professors from colleges and universities across the nation to receive a 2023 Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.

    2023年10月20日|化学教授. 斯科特·辛普森 presented his work titled "Using quantum chemical calculations to estimate physicochemical properties of PFAS" at the 19th Annual Workshop on Emerging HRMS & LC-MS/MS在环境分析中的应用 & 食品安全,九月. 24-25在布法罗大学.

    2023年10月5日. 斯科特·辛普森,化学教授,马修·D. 汉森, former quantum chemical postdoctoral researcher at the university, published an article in ACS Omega titled “Geometric and Electronic Effects in the Binding Affinity of Imidazole-Based N-Heterocyclic Carbenes to Cu(100)- and Ag(100)-Based Pd and Pt Single-Atom Alloy Surfaces.”

    Sep 05, 2023 | Students who graduate with a bachelor’s degree in 化学 from St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 are now eligible for automatic acceptance and immediate entry to the Ph.D. 罗得岛大学的化学项目.

    2023年2月11日| Dr. 斯科特·辛普森, associate 化学系教授兼系主任, Dr. 马修·汉森,量子化学博士后研究员,博士. 亚当•布朗, 基础教育教授, 以及乔拉·康德蒂, SBU的校友, had their publication “A Computational Experiment Introducing Undergraduates to Geometry Optimizations, 振动频率, and Potential Energy Surfaces” accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Education.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 斯科特·辛普森, associate 化学系教授兼系主任, and Dr. 亚当•布朗, 基础教育教授, 以及布法罗大学的研究人员, 德门大学, 以及詹姆斯敦社区学院, had their publication “应用ing Density Functional Theory to Common Organic Mechanisms: A Computational Exercise” published in the Journal of Chemical Education.

    5月09, 2022 | Bona students have ample opportunity for undergraduate research experience, thanks in part to a 化学 research fellowship funded by the Maydonovitch siblings.

    2022年4月29日|二街. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 professors have been honored by their colleagues with awards of excellence for the 2021-22 academic year. Dr. 斯科特·辛普森, 化学副教授, was awarded the Professional Excellence in 研究 and Publication Award, 而博士. 伊丽莎白•蒂尔曼, 政治学助理教授, 获青年教师专业卓越奖.

    2022年4月28日| Dr. 斯科特·辛普森, 化学副教授, 乔纳森·安特尔, 2021年毕业于SBU化学专业, have published an article titled "Multivariable Model Fitting as Applied to Air, a Physical 化学 Experiment" in the Journal of Chemical Education.

    2022年4月1日|博士. 斯科特·辛普森, assistant 化学教授 who is involved with University at Buffalo professors in a collaborative study of the impact of PFAS on our health and environment, was among those interviewed for a news report by WGRZ-TV in Buffalo.

    2022年2月18日| Dr. 斯科特·辛普森是圣霍普金斯大学化学副教授. 博纳旺蒂尔, has been awarded a prestigious NSF CAREER grant for his research proposal titled “Investigating the Molecular Corking Effect for Potential Hydrogen Storage.” This award is considered the most prestigious award given by the NSF to early-career faculty.

    2022年2月16日| Dr. 斯科特·辛普森, 化学副教授, has been awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER grant of $544,892 for his research proposal titled "Investigating the Molecular Corking Effect for Potential Hydrogen Storage."

    2021年10月7日|博士. Scott M. 辛普森,化学副教授,和乔纳森P. 他的成绩是B.A. 2021年从SBU获得化学学位, have published a research article titled "Increasing Confidence in Unknown Identification in Wastewater and Surface Waters."

    Oct 01, 2021 | A public screening of the film “Dark Waters” at St. 博纳文蒂尔大学,星期二,10月. 19, 随后是科学和法律专家的论坛, will draw attention to health risks associated with a group of man-made chemicals that have been detected in food, 土壤, 喝水,甚至母乳.

    2021年6月8日|圣乔治大学开设了四个新项目. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 enable students who want to teach secondary biology, 化学, mathematics or physics to earn a bachelor’s degree in one of those subjects while completing initial New York state teaching certification requirements.

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