St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


    1月26日, 2023 | "The Indirect Effects of Food Insecurity on Obesogenic Environments,一篇由Dr, 杰弗里·艾伦, 公共卫生助理教授, 于一月出版. 6 in Frontiers in Public Health, in the Key Insights in Nutrition/Hydration section.

    2023年1月26日|一篇由Dr. Connie Perkins, founding director of nursing at St. Bonaventure, was published in Nursing Education Perspectives over the holiday break.

    2023年1月26日| Dr. Mohammed Abu Jahed, associate professor of management sciences, has published a paper with Dr. Asif Salam在《全球网赌十大网站》上写道 & 产业营销(JBIM). The JBIM is ranked "A" by Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC).

    1月26日, 2023 | An essay by Mark Phillips, retired teacher and tutor with St. 博纳旺蒂尔的亚瑟·欧. Eve 高等教育机会计划, has been published in the winter 2022-23 print and online editions of Notre Dame Magazine.

    2023年1月26日| St. Bonaventure's Foster Center for Responsible Leadership has edited a special edition of the Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities Journal.

    2023年1月26日| Dr. 卡尔·J. Case, professor of business information systems, and Darwin L. 王, 会计学教授, had their paper titled “Undergraduate Business Student Online Attitude and Behavior: An Empirical Examination of The Covid-19 Pandemic Effects" accepted for publication in the Global Journal of Business Disciplines.

    09年12月, 2022年|梅根·阿尔伯特, MPA-S, PA-C, clinical assistant professor of physician assistant studies, recently presented at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants, 在匹兹堡举行.

    09年12月, 2022年|塔米·雷·马修斯, assistant professor in the online sports journalism and digital journalism master's degree programs, contributed a chapter in a book published in June.

    09年12月, 2022 |希瑟·哈里斯, assistant professor and director of the master's program in communication, was selected by the toy company PlayMonster to illustrate a series of six books for children ages 1-5 launching this Christmas.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 金晶朱, 管理学助理教授, chaired a session at the 53rd annual meeting of the Decision Science Institute (DSI), 11月. 19-21,在德克萨斯州休斯顿.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 玛格丽特几何, assistant professor of counselor education, and colleagues will make a one-hour presentation this month at the virtual portion of the 2022 Association for Creativity in Counseling Conference.

    2022年12月9日|博士. Connie Perkins, founding director of nursing at St. 伯纳旺蒂尔博士. 艾琳Lundeen, 临床护理助理教授, presented posters at a national conference of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 11月举行. 30-Dec. 1在芝加哥.

    2022年12月9日|博士. Pamina Abkowitz, assistant professor of childhood education, participated in a panel discussion for OCALICON, an online autism and disabilities conference.

    09年12月, 2022 | A research article by Bobby Chung, 金融学助理教授, has been accepted at the Review of Economics and Statistics.

    2022年12月9日|博士. Daekyun哦, assistant professor of physical education, published a research paper in the International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education (IJKHE).

    2022年12月9日|博士. Scott Simpson, associate professor of chemistry and department chair, and Dr. 亚当•布朗, 基础教育教授, along with researchers from University at Buffalo, 德门大学, 以及詹姆斯敦社区学院, had their publication “应用ing Density Functional Theory to Common Organic Mechanisms: A Computational Exercise” published in the Journal of Chemical Education.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 内特·史密斯, assistant professor of counselor education, 举办了一个名为“我在这里”的网络研讨会, 我的酷儿, but I'm not used to it: Internalized Homophobia & Relational Cultural Theory" for the Society for Affectional, 双性, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE), a division of the American Counseling Association.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 泰隆Bynoe, associate professor of education and director of the educational leadership program, has submitted a book manuscript for publication: "The Essentials of Finance for School Leaders: A Practical Handbook for Problem-solving and Meeting Challenges;" Bynoe, T.界,S. & 马丁内斯,D.G. (罗曼 & 李特佛尔德).

    2022年11月18日| Dr. 克里斯Mackowski, professor of journalism and mass communication, 在卡本代尔, 伊利诺斯州, 十一月的那一周. 14, 2022, serving as an outside program reviewer for Southern 伊利诺斯州 University’s School of Journalism and Advertising.

    11月 18, 2022 | The School of Education's Dr. Kathryn Andrews, assistant professor; Dr. 亚当•布朗, professor; and Dr. 雷内·豪泽, 副教授,学院院长, presented at the American Evaluation Conference, 11月, 9-11.