St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


    2024年2月9日|博士. 基思年轻, founding director of the physician assistant studies program, and clinical assistant professors 妮可Ackley and Jeffrey Szymanski, recently attended the annual meeting of the 纽约 State Society of Physician Assistants (NYSSPA) in Saratoga Springs, 纽约.

    2024年2月9日|博士. 雪莉,B. 沃斯, assistant professor of MSED B-12 reading literacy, and Dr. 特蕾西Schrems, 青少年教育助理教授, 在休斯顿提出了一项阅读倡议, 德州, at the National Literacy Institute Mega Educators Conference in early November.

    Dec 07, 2023 | Two graduate students in the School of Business at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 were among the top performers in a business simulation competition involving teams from 258 colleges and universities from around the world.

    2023年12月7日|博士. 泰隆Bynoe, associate professor and director of the educational leadership programs leading to advanced supervisory licensure, has been accepted to present as part of a symposium at the 2024 Annual Conference of the International Mentoring Association (Feb. 2024年6月26日至27日在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特举行.

    2023年12月7日|博士. 塔拉沃克, 詹多里学院的助理教授, had her paper titled “On shaky ground: Stigma and otherness in direct-to-consumer advertising for bipolar disorder drug treatments” published at the end of November in the peer-reviewed Journal of Communication Inquiry.

    2023年12月7日|博士. 斯科特·辛普森, 化学教授, and recent Department of Chemistry graduates Jonathan Antle, '21, 迈克尔·拉洛克, '22, along with researchers from University at Buffalo and University of Pittsburgh, have had their publication titled "Building Chemical Intuition about Physicochemical Properties of C8-Per-/Polyfluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids through Computational Means" published in ACS Environmental Science & 技术工程(ACS ES)&T工程).

    2023年12月7日|康妮·珀金斯博士.D., RN, CNE, 护理创始主任, 黎肖娴 a podium talk titled “Family Caregiving Competencies for Nursing Education: Recommendations from a National Consortium” at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Transform Conference in Orlando, 佛罗里达.

    2023年12月7日|博士. 杰森·马戈利斯, 教育学教授, has co-authored a just-released publication in Professional Development in Education, one of the most internationally respected education journals.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 布莱恩·史蒂文斯, adjunct instructor and director of choral and vocal music, has been invited to conduct the Connecticut Music Educators Southern Region Treble Choir Festival at Naugatuck High School, 1月19日至20日, 2024. The choir will comprise more than 100 students from across southern Connecticut.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 玛格丽特几何, 辅导员教育助理教授, gave a 50-minute presentation titled "Empower Children through ACT Limit Setting: A Play Therapy Approach" at the online portion of the 2023 Association for Creativity in Counseling Conference 11月. 3.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 可是王, 网络安全副教授, was elected as a member-at-large of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Education Society Board of Governors for 2024-2026.

    2023年11月17日|安妮和博士. 理查德•李, 讲师、教授, 分别, 在詹多里学校, took part in a panel session at the Mid-Atlantic Popular & 美国文化协会会议. 10.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 艾琳摩根, 心理学助理教授, has co-authored a chapter on community-based gerontological research in The Routledge International Handbook on Innovative Qualitative Psychological Research (2023).

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 达拉肯特, 职业治疗临床助理教授, 在海报展示中分享了她的博士研究. 11月. 3, at the 2023 Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century Conference at Thomas Jefferson University’s Sidney Kimmel Medical College.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 基思年轻, founding director of physician assistant studies. 妮可Ackley, 临床教育主任, 以及临床助理教授Kate Nelson, 朱莉Elsigan, and Ashley Disney recently attended this year's PA Education Association (PAEA) Education Forum in New Orleans, 路易斯安那州.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 巴里·L. 氮化镓, 哲学名誉教授, presented a paper titled "Against the Weaponization of Nonviolence" at the annual meeting of Concerned Philosophers for Peace, 10月. 27岁,在田纳西州的诺克斯维尔.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 戴西摩纳金伯利, professor of leadership and director of the master’s in leadership program 在詹多里学校 of Communication, 在过去的一个月里做了三次DEI演讲.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 苏珊娜Soltysik, 临床护理助理教授, 黎肖娴, 奥利恩综合医院, 一张名为“提高心肺复苏术能力”的海报, 合规, and Confidence of Bedside Staff with RQI" at the 11th annual American Nurses Association - 纽约 Conference in Verona, 纽约.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 康尼·珀金斯,护理中心的创始主任,和. Filane Crumrine, 临床护理助理教授, presented at the 11th annual American Nurses Association - 纽约 Conference in Verona, 纽约.

    2023年11月17日| Dr. 安妮Foerst, 计算机科学教授, participated in an interfaith panel at the University of Rochester about ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs).